If you are new to the world of digital download, Berlin Public Library offers access to thousands of digital downloadable e-books, e-audiobooks, and music which you can enjoy on your computer, MP3 player, e-reader (such as a Kindle or Nook), or smart device such as an iPad, iPhone, Android, or BlackBerry.

Digital download- library materials that come in an electronic form including e-audiobooks and digital music eBook- digital version of a book that can be checked out and viewed on your computer, or transferred to an eBook reader, tablet, or smartphone eAudiobook-sound recording of a book that can be downloaded and listened to on your computer or transferred to an MP3 player, iPod, or smartphone

The library’s e-books and e-audiobooks work just like all other library materials. You can check out digital titles for a specific period of time, place holds on titles that are currently unavailable, and return digital materials when you are finished with them. These materials are different because you don’t need to come to the library to get digital materials. Instead, you can check out and download digital materials from the comfort of your own home. You never actually have to return digital titles because they are automatically returned at the end of the loan period, eliminating the possibility of incurring late fees.

To take advantage of these materials, all you need is your library card! If you need some instruction, call the library and set an appointment to come in for a free help session.

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